Bibliothèque numérique en archéologie
Carte localisant les sites et interventions archéologiques de la portion sud du Québec.

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5 résultats

S01299 - Denton, David - 1985 (Document racine)
  • An archaeological survey in the Waskaganish (Rupert House) region.
S01299 - Denton, David - 1985 (Rapport V02)
  • An archaeological survey in the Waskaganish (Rupert House) region.
S01299 - Denton, David - 1985 (Rapport V01)
  • An archaeological survey in the Waskaganish (Rupert House) region.
S06138 - Cree Nation Government - 2017 (Document racine)
  • Investigation of the Stratigraphy at the Sanders Pond Site and Archaeological Survey at E Minipakaashich (Comfort Point), Eeyou Istchee James Bay, 2016.
S06138 - Cree Nation Government - 2017 (DVD)
  • Investigation of the Stratigraphy at the Sanders Pond Site and Archaeological Survey at E Minipakaashich (Comfort Point), Eeyou Istchee James Bay, 2016.