Bibliothèque numérique en archéologie
Carte localisant les sites et interventions archéologiques de la portion sud du Québec.

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5 résultats

S01467 - Badgley, Ian - 1987 (Rapport V01)
  • Archaeological survey of proposed solid waste disposal sites in the municipalities of Kuujjurapsik and Quaqtaq, Northern Québec.
S01467 - Badgley, Ian - 1987 (Rapport V02)
  • Archaeological survey of proposed solid waste disposal sites in the municipalities of Kuujjurapsik and Quaqtaq, Northern Québec.
S02004 - Institut culturel Avataq - 1992 (Rapport V01)
  • Archaeological salvage excavation of the GhGk-63 site, 1991, Kuujjuarapik, Nunavik.
S02003 - Institut culturel Avataq - 1991 (Rapport V00)
  • Archaeological salvage excavation of the GhGk-63 site, 1990, Kuujjuarapik, Nunavik.
S03762 - Desrosiers, P. M. et Gendron, D. - 2004 (Rapport V00)
  • The GhGk-63 site : A Dorset Occupation in Southeastern Hudson Bay, Nunavik.