Bibliothèque numérique en archéologie
Carte localisant les sites et interventions archéologiques de la portion sud du Québec.

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8 résultats

S04181 - Lighthall, W. D. - 1934 (Document racine)
  • New Hochelaga Finds in 1933.
S04181 - Lighthall, W. D. - 1934 (Rapport V00)
  • New Hochelaga Finds in 1933.
S00602 - Wintemberg, William J. - 1929 (Document racine)
  • Preliminary report on field work in 1927.
S00602 - Wintemberg, William J. - 1929 (Rapport V00)
  • Preliminary report on field work in 1927.
S04606 - Morin, Victor - 1933 (Document racine)
  • Discovery of the site of an Indian village at Lanoraie.
S04606 - Morin, Victor - 1933 (Rapport V00)
  • Discovery of the site of an Indian village at Lanoraie.